What are Subscriptions?
A Subscription in Combine manages the connection between Publishers and Subscribers.
It controls when data flows, how much data is requested, and when the connection should stop.
Think of a Subscription as a newspaper subscription:
- A subscriber chooses which news they want.
- The publisher only sends newspapers when requested.
- The subscription can be canceled at any time.
Subscriptions allow for demand-driven data flow, unlike traditional push-based Notifier patterns.
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How Subscriptions Work
- A Subscriber must request values from a Publisher before receiving them.
- The Publisher does not send data unless requested (demand-driven model).
- Supports backpressure β The Subscriber can control the rate of data flow.
- Manages lifecycle β Can be canceled when no longer needed.
Difference Between Combine & a Notifier Pattern
Feature | Notifier Pattern | Combine Framework |
Basic Concept | A subject (notifier) sends events to registered listeners (observers). | A publisher emits values over time, and subscribers react to them. |
Flow of Data | Push-based: The notifier calls methods on all observers. | Demand-driven: Subscribers request values via a Subscription. |
Subscription Model | Listeners are registered and receive updates whenever an event occurs. | Backpressure support: Subscribers request data when they need it. |
Memory Management | Observers must manually unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks. | Cancellable objects automatically manage subscriptions. |
Data Transformation | No built-in way to transform data before delivery. | Operators allow for filtering, mapping, and combining data. |
Threading | Observers are notified on the thread that emits the event. | Schedulers control where and when work happens (e.g., background or UI thread). |
Error Handling | Typically requires custom error-handling logic. | Combine has built-in error propagation via tryMap , catch , etc. |
Declarative Syntax | Typically imperative (notifier.notifyAll() ). | Fully declarative (publisher.map().filter().sink() ). |
The Role of Subscriptions in Combine
Subscriptions change the way values flow compared to a generic Notifier pattern:
1. Notifier Pattern: Push-Only Model
- The notifier sends values to all listeners as soon as they are available.
- The subscriber has no control over when or how often it receives data.
- Example:
protocol Notifier {
func addListener(_ listener: Listener)
func notifyAll(data: String)
2. Combine: Demand-Driven Model
- A Subscription creates a structured relationship between the Publisher and Subscriber.
- Subscribers request values, and Publishers only send what is requested.
- Supports Backpressure (controlling the rate of emitted values).
- Exampleβ
let publisher = ["Hello", "Combine"].pusblisher
let subscription = publisher.sink {print($0)}
Example: Notifier vs. Combine Subscriptions
Notifier Pattern
class NewsNotifier {
private var listeners: [((String) -> Void)] = []
func subscribe(_ listener: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
func publish(news: String) {
for listener in listeners {
// Usage
let newsNotifier = NewsNotifier()
newsNotifier.subscribe { print("π’ Received: \($0)") }
newsNotifier.publish(news: "Breaking News!")
- no control over when values arrive
- no filtering, transforming, or error handling
- manual memory management required
Combine Alternative
import Combine
class NewsPublisher {
let news = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
func publish(news: String) {
print("π° News Published: \(news)")
// Usage
let publisher = NewsPublisher()
let cancellable = publisher.news
.filter { $0.contains("Breaking") } // Only get breaking news
.sink { print("π’ Subscriber received: \($0)") }
publisher.publish(news: "Breaking News!") // β
publisher.publish(news: "Regular News") // β Ignored due to filter
- Subscribers control when they receive data (demand-driven model)
- Built-in operators (
) allow transforming data easily - Cancellable ensures memory is managed safely