Graphs Weighted-Graphs Traversal

1. Overview

  • a subset or subgraph for a weighted and undirected graph
  • the minimum spanning tree connects all vertices of a graph with the minimum possible total edge weight, without forming a cycle

2. Algorithms to Compute MST

FeatureKruskal’s AlgorithmPrim’s Algorithm
Suitable for Sparse vs Dense GraphsSparse GraphsDense Graphs
ComplexityO(E log E)O(E log V)
Data Structure UsedUnion-FindPriority Queue
Starting PointAny Edge (based on sorted order)Arbitrary Start Vertex

3. Prim’s Algorithm

  • builds a Minimum Spanning Tree by starting at an arbitrary vertex and repeatedly selecting the cheapest edge that connects a vertex in the MST to a vertex outside the MST.
  • it is a Greedy algorithm


prims algo animation

How It Works:

  1. Initialize all vertices as unexplored
  2. Start from any vertex and add it to the MST
  3. Use a Priority Queue to find the smallest edge that connects an unexplored vertex to the MST
  4. Repeat the process until all vertices are part of the MST


vector<Edge> primMST(Graph& graph, int start) {
    priority_queue<Edge, vector<Edge>, Compare> minHeap;
    vector<bool> inMST(graph.V, false);
    vector<Edge> mst;
    inMST[start] = true;
    for (Edge& e : graph.adj[start]) minHeap.push(e);
    while (!minHeap.empty() && mst.size() < graph.V - 1) {
        Edge minEdge =;
        int v = minEdge.v;
        if (inMST[v]) continue;
        inMST[v] = true;
        for (Edge& e : graph.adj[v]) if (!inMST[e.v]) minHeap.push(e);
    return mst;

4. Kruskal’s Algorithm

  • sorts all edges in the graph by weight and adds them one by one, ensuring no cycles are formed
  • treats the graph as a collection of disjoint-sets Union-Find (Disjoint Set)
  • each vertex starts as its own separate component
  • merges these sets by adding the smallest edges between components


kruskals algo animation

How It Works:

  1. Sort all edges by weight
  2. Use a union-find data structure to track connected components
  3. Add the smallest edge that does not form a cycle Greedy
  4. Repeat until all vertices are connected


vector<Edge> kruskalMST(Graph& graph) {
    sort(graph.edges.begin(), graph.edges.end());  // Sort edges by weight
    UnionFind uf(graph.V);  // Union-Find for cycle detection
    vector<Edge> mst;
    for (Edge& edge : graph.edges) {
        if (uf.find(edge.u) != uf.find(edge.v)) {  // Check cycle
            uf.unionSets(edge.u, edge.v);  // Join the components
    return mst;