
1. Overview

  • specialized queue where elements are served based on their priority rather than their insertion order
  • C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides the std::priority_queue class for implementation
  • the STL implementation uses a max-heap
    • meaning the largest element has the highest priority
  • useful for Dijkstra’s algorithm, A search, task scheduling, and event simulation

2. Operations

OperationTime ComplexityDescription
push / emplaceO(log n)Adds an element to the priority queue.
popO(log n)Removes the element with the highest priority.
topO(1)Returns the element with the highest priority.
emptyO(1)Checks if the priority queue is empty.
sizeO(1)Returns the number of elements.

3. STL Implementation

int main() {
    priority_queue<int> pq;
    cout << "Top element: " << pq.top() << endl;  // Output: 30
    cout << "After pop, top element: " << pq.top() << endl;  // Output: 20
    cout << "Size of queue: " << pq.size() << endl;
    return 0;

4. Custom Comparator : How It Works

  • the std::priority_queue uses a comparison function to determine the priority of elements
  • the default priority queue behaves as a max-heap, meaning the largest element has the highest priority
  • you can change the behaviour to a min-heap or any custom order using a custom comparator

Creating a Min-Heap with std::greater

int main() {
  // Min-heap priority queue
  priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> minHeap;
    cout << "Top element: " << minHeap.top() << endl;  // Output: 10
    return 0;

Custom Comparator With Struct

  • you can define your own comparator if you want more control over the element order
// Custom comparator to sort in ascending order (min-heap)
struct Compare {
    bool operator()(int a, int b) {
        return a > b;  // Returns true if a has lower priority than b
int main() {
    // Priority queue with custom comparator
    priority_queue<int, vector<int>, Compare> customPQ;
    cout << "Top element: " << customPQ.top() << endl;  // Output: 10
    return 0;