1. Overview
- allows for insertion and deletion from both ends of the queue
- combines the properties of both stacks and queues
- C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides the
class for implementation
2. Operations
Operation | Time Complexity | Description |
push_back | O(1) | Adds an element to the rear. |
push_front | O(1) | Adds an element to the front. |
pop_back | O(1) | Removes the last element. |
pop_front | O(1) | Removes the first element. |
front | O(1) | Returns the first element. |
back | O(1) | Returns the last element. |
empty | O(1) | Checks if the deque is empty. |
size | O(1) | Returns the number of elements. |
at / operator[] | O(1) | Accesses the element at a given index. |
3. STL Implementation
int main() {
deque<int> dq;
// Add elements to both ends
cout << "Front: " << dq.front() << endl; // Output: 20
cout << "Back: " << dq.back() << endl; // Output: 10
// Access elements by index
cout << "Element at index 1: " << dq[1] << endl; // Output: 10
// Remove elements from both ends
cout << "After pop_front, front: " << dq.front() << endl; // Output: 10
cout << "After pop_back, back: " << dq.back() << endl; // Output: 10
// Check size and if it's empty
cout << "Size: " << dq.size() << endl; // Output: 1
cout << "Is empty? " << (dq.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
return 0;