ADM Backtracking Pruning Heuristics

  • Combinatorial Search methods like backtracking and pruning are powerful for problems requiring exhaustive search but can become computationally expensive.
  • Heuristic Methods provide feasible solutions for large or complex search spaces by focusing on β€œgood enough” solutions rather than guaranteed optimality.

Combinatorial Search Methods

  • Involves exploring a solution space to identify configurations that meet problem constraints or optimize certain criteria
  • These methods often require systematic exploration of all possible solutions, making them computationally intensive but guaranteed to find optimal results if exhaustive search if feasible
  • essential for solving problems where all possible configurations must be considered to find an optimal or valid solution
  • these problems have a large solution space that cannot be navigated directly
  • combinatorial search helps us systematically explore configurations, especially for problems with strict constraints

Key Concepts

  1. Solution Space Representation: Represents all potential configurations for the problem
  2. Cost Function: Evaluates each configuration’s quality or suitability
  3. Search Pruning: Reduces necessary exploration exploration by discarding configurations that cannot yield optimal solutions

7.1 Backtracking

Backtracking is a systemic way to iterate through all possible configurations of a search space. These configurations may represent:

  • All possible arrangements of objects (permutations)
  • All possible ways of building a collection of objects (subjects)
  • Enumerating all spanning trees of a graph, all paths between vertices, or all ways to partition vertices into colour classes


  1. Start with an Empty or Partial Solution: Begin with a solution that meets initial conditions but is incomplete.
  2. Extend the Solution: Add elements to the partial solution and proceed down the search tree.
  3. Check Constraints: If the solution violates any constraints, backtrack by removing the last added element.
  4. Try Alternatives: After backtracking, attempt the next possible extension until all alternatives are explored.
  5. Complete Solution: If a configuration meets all constraints, record or output the solution.

Example Applications of Backtracking

  • n-Queens Problem: Place n queens on an n Γ— n chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
  • Pathfinding in Mazes: Find all possible paths from a start point to an endpoint, backtracking when a path hits a dead end.
  • Subset Sum Problem: Find subsets of a set that add up to a target sum by including or excluding each element.


function BACKTRACK(solution):
    if solution is a complete solution:
        process(solution)     # Record or output the solution

    for each option in choices:
        if option is valid (does not violate constraints):
            add option to solution
            BACKTRACK(solution)    # Recursive call to extend the solution
            remove option from solution  # Undo the choice (backtrack)

7.2 Search Pruning

Search pruning enhances backtracking by eliminating infeasible paths early, reducing the number of configurations that need to be exploring


  • In the Traveling Salesman Problem, if a partial path already exceeds the length of the shortest known complete path, it can be pruned


  • Efficiency: Reduces unnecessary calculations, speeding up search time
  • Applicability: Especially useful in optimization problems where some configurations are evidently suboptimal

Heuristic Search Methods

  • Heuristic search methods are designed to find β€œgood enough” solutions for complex combinatorial problems where exhaustive search is impractical
  • Rather than systematically exploring every possibility, heuristic methods use rules or strategies to find reasonably optimal solutions within a feasible time frame
  • Heuristic search methods prioritize efficiency over guaranteed optimality

Random Sampling (Monte Carlo)

  • Approach : Generates random configurations and evaluates each to find a suitable solution
  • Application : Effective when a good solution can be found through sampling rather than exhaustive search
  • Trade-off : May not always find the optimal solution but is fast and scalable

Simulated Annealing

  • Inspiration : Modeled after the physical process of annealing, where materials are heated and slowly cooled to reach a stable state
  • Mechanism : Evaluates neighbouring configurations and moves to a better one if available. The process repeats until until no better neighbours are found
  • Application : Useful for problems where neighbouring configurations are computationally easy to generate and evaluate, such as optimization in scheduling or routing
  • Approach : Iteratively improves the current configuration by exploring neighbouring solutions
  • Mechanism : Evaluates neighbouring configurations and moves to a better one if available. The process repeats until no better neighbours are found
  • Application : Useful for problems where neighbouring configurations are computationally easy to generate and evaluate, such as optimization in scheduling or routing