What are Subscribers?

A Subscriber listens to a Publisher and reacts when it receives new values.
It’s like a news reader who subscribes to a news publisher and gets updates whenever news is published.

  • A subscriber only receives data if it is subscribed.
  • It can process, transform, or react to the data it gets.
  • If a publisher stops sending values, the subscriber also stops receiving them.

A Subscriber listens for values and reacts to them when they arrive.

πŸ”— Official Docs: Apple Documentation

Types of Subscribers

  • sink β†’ A simple way to receive values and errors.
  • assign(to:on:) β†’ Assigns a value to an object’s property.
  • Custom Subscribers β†’ Implement your own subscriber by conforming to Subscriber.

How Subscribers Work

  • A subscriber must be attached to a publisher to start receiving data.
  • A subscriber controls its lifecycle and can cancel at any time.
  • A publisher can have multiple subscribers listening at once.

Example: News Subscriber

This example models a news publishing system where a NewsPublisher sends news updates, and multiple subscribers receive them.

import Combine
// 1. Create a news publisher
class NewsPublisher {
    let news = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>() // Publishes news headlines
    func publish(newsHeadline: String) {
        print("πŸ“° News Published: \(newsHeadline)")
        news.send(newsHeadline) // Send news to subscribers
// 2. Create a subscriber (news reader)
class NewsSubscriber {
    private var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
    init(publisher: NewsPublisher) {
        // Subscribe to news updates
        cancellable = publisher.news.sink { news in
            print("πŸ“’ Subscriber received: \(news)")
// 3. Use the publisher and subscriber
let newsPublisher = NewsPublisher()
let subscriber1 = NewsSubscriber(publisher: newsPublisher)
let subscriber2 = NewsSubscriber(publisher: newsPublisher)
newsPublisher.publish(newsHeadline: "Swift 6 Announced!")
newsPublisher.publish(newsHeadline: "New Combine Features in iOS 18!")