Path-Finding Shortest-Path Weighted-Graphs Graphs Dynamic-Programming
1. Overview
- Finds the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes
- Graph Type: Weighted, directed or undirected graph (handles both positive and negative weights but no negative cycles)
- Approach: Dynamic Programming approach that iteratively relaxes edges up to
times (whereV
is the number of vertices) - Time Complexity:
O(V * E)
, whereV
is the number of vertices andE
is the number of edges.
2. Algorithm Steps
- Initialization
- Set the distance to the source node as 0 and all other nodes as
Edge Relaxation (repeated
times):- For each edge
(u, v)
with weightw
:- If the distance to
is known anddistance[u] + w < distance[v]
, updatedistance[v]
todistance[u] + w
- If the distance to
- Repeat this process
times to ensure that the shortest paths are calculated
- For each edge
Negative Cycle Check:
- Perform a final pass through all edges to check for negative weight cycles
- If any edge can still be relaxed, then the graph contains a negative weight cycle, and no valid shortest path exists
3. Implementation
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
struct Edge {
int src, dest, weight;
vector<int> bellmanFord(int V, int E, vector<Edge>& edges, int src) {
vector<int> dist(V, numeric_limits<int>::max());
dist[src] = 0;
// Relax edges V-1 times
for (int i = 1; i <= V - 1; i++) {
for (const Edge& edge : edges) {
if (dist[edge.src] != numeric_limits<int>::max() &&
dist[edge.src] + edge.weight < dist[edge.dest]) {
dist[edge.dest] = dist[edge.src] + edge.weight;
// Check for negative weight cycles
for (const Edge& edge : edges) {
if (dist[edge.src] != numeric_limits<int>::max() &&
dist[edge.src] + edge.weight < dist[edge.dest]) {
cout << "Graph contains a negative weight cycle" << endl;
return {}; // Return an empty result if a negative cycle is found
return dist;