• The Grug Brained Developer values simplicity, clarity, and maintainability over unnecessary abstraction.

  • Complexity is the enemy—every extra layer, pattern, or framework should justify its existence.

  • Solve the problem in front of you, not the hypothetical one that may never come.

  • Readable code > Clever code—future-you (and your teammates) will thank you.

  • Scaling prematurely is a trap—optimize only when you actually need to.

  • The best code is no code—if you don’t write it, you don’t have to maintain it.

  • New and shiny isn’t always better—use tools because they work, not because they’re trendy.

  • The complexity demon is always lurking—question whether you’re adding real value or just more moving parts.

  • Simplicity scales better than complexity—the best systems are the ones that people can understand.