
An algorithmic optimization technique that breaks problems into smaller subproblems, solves each subproblem once, and stores thee result to avoid redundant work.

  • Used when a problem has overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure
    • Overlapping Subproblems: the same subproblems are solved multiple times
    • Optimal Substructure: the optimal solution to a problem is built from optimal solutions to its subproblems
  • More efficient than brute-force approaches like recursion and backtracking

Common DP Patterns

  • Fibonacci Numbers (Simple Recurrence) :

    • Where each state depends on previous states
  • Knapsack Problem (Subset Selection) :

    • Maximize total value while staying within constraint
    • 0/1 Knapsack : Each item can either be taken once or not at all
    • Unbounded Knapsack : Items can be taken multiple times, allowing repetition
  • Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) :

    • Find the longest subsequence common to two strings
  • State Machine :

    • Used when problems involve sequential decisions with multiple states
  • DFS + Memoization :

    • Naturally recursive problem but involves overlapping subproblems
    • Instead of recomputing results, store them in a cache (memoization table)
  • Backtracking + Memoization :

    • A problem with exponential search space but contains repeated computations

Dynamic Programming Approaches

Top-Down (Memoization)

In the top-down approach, also known asΒ memoization, we keep the solution recursive and add a memoization table to avoid repeated calls of same subproblems.

  • Before making any recursive call, we first check if the memoization table already has solution for it.
  • After the recursive call is over, we store the solution in the memoization table.

Bottom-Up (Tabulation)

In the bottom-up approach, also known asΒ tabulation, we start with theΒ smallest subproblemsΒ and gradually build up to the final solution.

  • We write an iterative solution (avoid recursion overhead) and build the solution in bottom-up manner.
  • We use a DP table where we first fill the solution for base cases and then fill the remaining entries of the table using recursive formula.
  • We only use recursive formula on table entries and do not make recursive calls.

Steps to Solve a Dynamic Programming Problem

1️⃣ Identify the Problem Type

  • Can it be broken into subproblems?
  • Do subproblems overlap?
  • Does it have optimal substructure?

2️⃣ Choose Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up

  • Top-Down (Recursion + Memoization) β†’ If naturally recursive.
  • Bottom-Up (Tabulation) β†’ If we can build solutions iteratively.

3️⃣ Define DP State

  • What does dp[i] or dp[i][j] represent?
  • Example: dp[i] for Fibonacci means β€œFibonacci number at index i”.
  • Example: dp[i][w] for Knapsack means β€œmax value using first i items with weight limit w”.

4️⃣ Implement Transition Formula

  • Convert recurrence relation into code.
  • Example (Knapsack transition):
    dp[i][w] = max(dp[i-1][w], dp[i-1][w-weight[i]] + value[i])

5️⃣ Optimize Space (if needed)

  • Many DP problems only use the last 1-2 rows of the DP table.
  • Example: Fibonacci can be optimized from O(n) space to O(1):

Common Recurrence Relation Patterns

Problem TypeExamplesKey Recurrence Pattern
Linear DP (Sequence-based)Fibonacci, Climbing Stairsdp[i] = dp[i-1] + dp[i-2]
Subset Selection (Knapsack-style)0/1 Knapsack, Unbounded Knapsackdp[i][w] = max(dp[i-1][w], dp[i-1][w - weight[i]] + value[i])
String Matching (LCS-style)LCS, Edit Distancedp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])
State Machine DP (Multiple Choices Per Step)Stock Trading, Job Schedulingdp[i][state] = max(previous_state_transitions)