📝 Problem Details

💭What Were My Initial Thoughts?

- cant have anyone to the left or right of them
- cant have anyone to the top-left or top-right of them 
- chair cannot be broken

- we need a way of remembering the positions of the previous row, to inform the placement of students in the current row
- the input size constraints are interesting
	- m and n cant be greater than 8
	- suggests the use of bit manipulation to flip student placement 

proposed algorithm design:
- for each row
	- check if the seat is broken or not
		- if it is, flip the bit to 0 (do nothing)
		- if it isnt broken continue
	- check if there are any students to the left or right of them (check the left and right bits and see if they are flipped to 1)
	- check the previous row and the same left and right positions for flipped bits
	- populate our bitmask with 8 bits flipping them if a student can be seated there

🤔What Did I Struggle With?

- did not account for precomputing valid masks for each row
	- since we know that the number of permutations for a given rows student seating is small due to the size constraints, we can precompute valid masks and store them in a vector of integers, where each integer represents a single 8-bit mask
	- the above pre-computation should enable a dynamic programming solution that prevents the repetitive determination of a valid seating arrangement 

💡 Explanation of Solution

1. Precompute valid configurations
	- for each row, generate a bitmask representing which seats are available (1 for available, 0 for broken)
	- compute all possible configurations (bitmasks) for each row
		- ensure no two adjacent students are seated (no two bits can be flipped and next to eachother in the order of the bitmask)

2. Initialize the DP table
	- create a 2d DP table --> dp[row][mask] where:
		- row represents the current row 
		- mask is a bitmask representing the seating configuration for the current row
		- dp[row][mask] stores the maximum number of students that can be seated up to that row, given the configuration

3. Iterate over rows
	- for each row
		- iterate through all valid configurations (mask) for the current row
		- for each configuration
			- check compatibility with all valid configurations (prevMask) of the previous row
				- ensure no diagonal conflicts (no student in `mask` conflicts with the top-left or top-right position of `prevMask`)
			- update the dp table
			`dp[row][mask] = max(dp[row][mask], dp[row-1][prevMask] + numberOfStudentsIn(mask));`

4. Count students for each configuration
	- for each bitmask (mask), count the number of 1s (students seated) using bitwise operations

5. Find the maximum students:
	- after processing all rows, find the maximum value in the last row of the DP table

6. Return the result

⌛ Complexity Analysis

- m rows.
- 2^n configurations per row.
- For each configuration, check against 2^n configurations of the previous row.

m * (2n×2n)

Space Complexity:
DP table required O(m * 2^n)

💻 Implementation of Solution

class Solution {
    int maxStudents(vector<vector<char>>& seats) {
        int m = seats.size();    // Number of rows
        int n = seats[0].size(); // Number of columns
        // Precompute valid configurations for each row
        vector<int> validRows(m, 0); // Store available masks for each row
        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            int mask = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
                if (seats[i][j] == '.') {
                    mask |= (1 << j); // Set bit if the seat is not broken
            validRows[i] = mask;
        // DP table: dp[row][mask] represents the maximum number of students
        // seated up to row `row` with the current row configuration `mask`
        vector<vector<int>> dp(m, vector<int>(1 << n, -1));
        // Initialize the first row
        for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << n); ++mask) {
            if (isValidMask(mask, validRows[0])) {
                dp[0][mask] = countBits(mask);
        // Fill the DP table
        for (int row = 1; row < m; ++row) {
            for (int prevMask = 0; prevMask < (1 << n); ++prevMask) {
                if (dp[row - 1][prevMask] == -1) continue; // Skip invalid previous masks
                for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << n); ++mask) {
                    if (isValidMask(mask, validRows[row]) && isCompatible(mask, prevMask)) {
                        dp[row][mask] = max(dp[row][mask], dp[row - 1][prevMask] + countBits(mask));
        // Find the maximum students seated
        int maxStudents = 0;
        for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << n); ++mask) {
            maxStudents = max(maxStudents, dp[m - 1][mask]);
        return maxStudents;
    // Check if a bitmask is valid for the current row
    bool isValidMask(int mask, int validRow) {
        // The mask must fit into the available positions and not have adjacent 1's
        return (mask & validRow) == mask && (mask & (mask >> 1)) == 0;
    // Check if the current row mask is compatible with the previous row mask
    bool isCompatible(int mask, int prevMask) {
        // No diagonal conflicts (top-left and top-right)
        return (mask & (prevMask >> 1)) == 0 && (mask & (prevMask << 1)) == 0;
    // Count the number of set bits in a mask
    int countBits(int mask) {
        int count = 0;
        while (mask) {
            count += (mask & 1);
            mask >>= 1;
        return count;