- private class members for:
- capacity
- vector of stacks to allow for infinite addition of stacks
- need a way of tracking available positions in the event of popAtStack
🤔What Did I Struggle With?
- coming up with the idea to use a set to track available positions
💡 Explanation of Solution
capacity tracking:
- store the capacity as a private class member so all methods can access it
vector of stacks:
- use a vector<stack<int>> to allow for dynamically expanding stacks
track available stacks:
- to optimize the push function, track the first available stack that can take a new value
- this can be achieved using a set<int> of indicies for non-full stacks
- this ensures push remains efficient
track active stacks:
- for the pop function, track non-empty stacks
⌛ Complexity Analysis
O(log N) for push
O(log N) for popAtStack
💻 Implementation of Solution
class DinnerPlates {private: int capacity; vector<stack<int>> stacks; set<int> available; // indicies of stacks that can accept more platespublic: DinnerPlates(int capacity) : capacity(capacity) {} void push(int val) { while (!available.empty() && (*available.begin() >= stacks.size() || stacks[*available.begin()].size() == capacity)) { available.erase(available.begin()); // Remove invalid or full indices } if (available.empty()) { stacks.push_back(stack<int>()); available.insert(stacks.size() - 1); } int index = *available.begin(); // Validate index if (index < 0 || index >= stacks.size()) { throw runtime_error("Invalid index detected in available set."); } stacks[index].push(val); if (stacks[index].size() == capacity) { available.erase(index); } } int pop() { while(!stacks.empty() && stacks.back().empty()) { stacks.pop_back(); } if (stacks.empty()) return -1; // all stacks are empty int val = stacks.back().top(); stacks.back().pop(); if (stacks.back().size() < capacity) { available.insert(stacks.size() - 1); } return val; } int popAtStack(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= stacks.size() || stacks[index].empty()) { return -1; } int val = stacks[index].top(); stacks[index].pop(); if (stacks[index].size() < capacity) { available.insert(index); } return val; }};/** * Your DinnerPlates object will be instantiated and called as such: * DinnerPlates* obj = new DinnerPlates(capacity); * obj->push(val); * int param_2 = obj->pop(); * int param_3 = obj->popAtStack(index); */