What are Subjects?
A Subject in Combine is both a Publisher and a Subscriber.
It acts as a bridge between imperative and reactive programming, allowing you to manually send values into a Combine pipeline.
Think of it like a news agency:
- A Publisher automatically sends news updates (values) as they happen.
- A Subject allows you to manually create and send news updates to subscribers.
Subjects let you push values into a Combine pipeline, acting as both an input and an output.
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How Subjects Work
- Acts as both a Publisher (emitting values) and a Subscriber (receiving values).
- Allows manually injecting values into a Combine stream.
- Multiple subscribers can listen to the same subject.
Types of Subjects
→ Emits values as soon as they are sent, without storing them.CurrentValueSubject
→ Stores the most recent value and sends it to new subscribers.
Example: Using a Subject to Broadcast Messages
import Combine
// 1. Create a subject
let newsSubject = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
// 2. Subscribe to the subject
let cancellable = newsSubject
.sink { print("📢 Subscriber received: \($0)") }
// 3. Manually send values
newsSubject.send("Breaking News: Swift 6 Announced!")
newsSubject.send("New Combine Features Revealed!")
Example: Using CurrentValueSubject
to Store Latest Value
import Combine
// 1. Create a CurrentValueSubject with an initial value
let latestNews = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("No news yet")
// 2. Subscribe to receive the latest news
let cancellable = latestNews
.sink { print("📢 Latest news: \($0)") }
// 3. Update the stored value
latestNews.send("Breaking News: Swift 6 Announced!")
// 4. A new subscriber will get the latest value immediately
let newSubscriber = latestNews
.sink { print("📢 New subscriber got: \($0)") }
Key Takeaways
- Subjects act as both Publishers and Subscribers.
- PassthroughSubject → Does not store values; only sends them when available.
- CurrentValueSubject → Stores the latest value and sends it to new subscribers.
- Useful for bridging imperative and reactive code, such as user input handling.