What is combineLatest in Combine?

The combineLatest operator in Combine merges values from multiple publishers
and emits a new combined value whenever any publisher updates.

Think of it like a live news panel:

  • Whenever a new headline or new expert opinion comes in, the panel updates.
  • You always see the latest headline and the latest expert opinion together.
  • If one source updates, the other keeps its most recent value.

combineLatest emits a new value whenever any of its publishers emits.

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How combineLatest Works

  • Starts when all publishers have emitted at least one value.
  • Whenever any publisher emits a new value, the latest values from all publishers are combined and sent.
  • Always uses the latest values available from each publisher.

Example: Live News Updates

import Combine
// 1. Create two publishers
let newsHeadlines = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
let expertOpinions = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
// 2. Combine the latest values
let cancellable = newsHeadlines
    .sink { headline, opinion in
        print("📰 \(headline) | 💬 Expert: \(opinion)")
// 3. Send values (order matters)
newsHeadlines.send("Swift 6 Released!")  // Won't print yet (needs both values)
expertOpinions.send("Game changer!")     // ✅ Prints
newsHeadlines.send("Combine Improvements!") // ✅ Prints
expertOpinions.send("Developers will love it!") // ✅ Prints

Key Takeaways

  • Starts after all publishers emit at least one value.
  • Emits a new combined value every time any publisher updates.
  • Always holds the latest value from each publisher.
  • Useful for UI bindings, real-time data, and state management.