RAM Model of Computation
- stands for Random Access Machine
- the RAM model assumes every basic operation (addition, multiplication, comparisons) takes constant time
- memory access takes constant time, regardless of where data is located
- while this model simplifies assumptions, it provides a practical abstraction to predict algorithm performance accurately
Big O Notation
- Big O: Describes the upper bound of an algorithm growth rate
- it reflects the worst-case performance
- it ignores constant factors and lower-order terms
- Ω (Omega): Represents the lower bound of performance
- Θ (Theta) : Describes tight bounds, where an algorithm performs within a narrow range of efficiency for all inputs
Types of Algorithm Analysis
Best Case Complexity
- The minimum time required for an algorithm
- e.g. if the first element is the target in a search
Worst Case Complexity
- The maximum number of steps an algorithm might take
- Acts as a guarantee on performance
Average Case Complexity
- Expected time over all possible inputs
- Often harder to compute accurately
Growth Rates and Dominance Relations
- The efficiency of algorithms depends heavily on growth rates
- Growth rates refer to how quickly the runtime or resource usage of an algorithm increases with the size of an input
- Dominance relations help us compare two algorithms and predict which will perform better as the input size grows
Common Types of Growth Rates
Order | Big O Notation | Meaning | Example |
Constant Time | O(1) | Time is independent of input size | Accessing an element in an array |
Logarithmic Time | O(log n) | Time grows slowly as input size doubles | Binary search |
Linear Time | O(n) | Time grows directly with input size | Iterating through an array |
Log-Linear Time | O(n log n) | Common in sorting, faster than quadratic | Merge sort, Heap sort |
Quadratic Time | O(n²) | Time grows with the square of input size | Bubble sort with nested loops |
Exponential Time | O(2ⁿ) | Time doubles for each additional input | Recursive Fibonacci sequence |
Factorial Time | O(n!) | Time grows dramatically with input size | Traveling Salesman Problem |
Growth Rates Measured in Nanoseconds
n | lg n | n | n lg n | n² | 2ⁿ | n! |
10 | 0.003 μs | 0.01 μs | 0.033 μs | 0.1 μs | 1 μs | 3.63 ms |
20 | 0.004 μs | 0.02 μs | 0.086 μs | 0.4 μs | 1 ms | 77.1 years |
30 | 0.005 μs | 0.03 μs | 0.147 μs | 0.9 μs | 1 sec | 8.4 × 10¹⁵ yrs |
40 | 0.005 μs | 0.04 μs | 0.213 μs | 1.6 μs | 18.3 min | - |
50 | 0.006 μs | 0.05 μs | 0.282 μs | 2.5 μs | 13 days | - |
100 | 0.007 μs | 0.1 μs | 0.644 μs | 10 μs | 4 × 10¹³ yrs | - |
1,000 | 0.010 μs | 1.00 μs | 9.66 μs | 1 ms | - | - |
10,000 | 0.013 μs | 10 μs | 130 μs | 100 ms | - | - |
100,000 | 0.017 μs | 0.10 ms | 1.67 ms | 10 sec | - | - |
1,000,000 | 0.020 μs | 1 ms | 19.93 ms | 16.7 min | - | - |
10,000,000 | 0.023 μs | 10 ms | 0.23 sec | 11.6 days | - | - |
100,000,000 | 0.027 μs | 0.10 sec | 2.66 sec | 115.7 days | - | - |
1,000,000,000 | 0.030 μs | 1 sec | 29.90 sec | 31.7 years | - | - |
Dominance Relations for Common Growth Rates
n! ≫ 2ⁿ ≫ n³ ≫ n² ≫ n log n ≫ n ≫ log n ≫ 1
Take-Home Lessons
Big O notation simplifies analysis
- it provides a way to ignore constant factors and focus on how algorithms scale
Worst-case analysis is crucial
- while best-case scenarios are ideal, real-world usage demands reliability even in unfavorable cases
dominance relations
- algorithms with lower growth rates dominate those with higher rates as input size grows
trade-offs in algorithm choice
- some algorithms with better growth rate might have more implementation complexity
- choosing the right algorithm involves balancing complexity and efficiency