Common Topics
Prime Numbers:
- Divisibility rules.
- Checking primality efficiently.
- Generating a list of prime numbers (e.g., Sieve of Eratosthenes).
- Understanding AND/OR rules.
- Independence vs. mutual exclusivity in events.
Problem-Solving Strategies
Simplify the Problem:
- Break the problem into its simplest form.
- Focus on the core logic or math behind it.
Discover Patterns:
- Write down rules or patterns that emerge as you analyze the problem.
Consider Worst-Case Scenarios:
- Balance edge cases or worst-case outcomes to ensure robustness.
Algorithmic Thinking:
- If stuck, take an algorithmic approach to break the problem into steps.
Key Insights on Brainteasers
- Many puzzles involve minimizing actions or limiting the number of attempts.
- Brainteasers often disguise algorithmic problems by removing technical details.
- Approach them as algorithm questions: define inputs, outputs, and constraints.