- we can search up how many days are in each month and hard code them in an array
- need to account for leap years (once every 4 years)
π€What Did I Struggle With?
π‘ Explanation of Solution
- helper function to check if the current year is a leap year
- is the current year divisible by 4?
- not divisible by 100
- unless it is also divisible ny 400
β Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: O(1)
- the problem is solved in constant time with a specific time complexity of O(12)
- regardles of the input date, we are only every going to iterate through 12 months of the year
Space Complexity: O(1)
- our months array is fixed in size and will not grow
π» Implementation of Solution
class Solution {public: int daysInEachMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; bool isLeapYear(int year) { return (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0); } int dayOfYear(string date) { //e.g. str --> YYYY-MM-DD int year = stoi(date.substr(0, 4)); int month = stoi(date.substr(5, 2)); int day = stoi(date.substr(8,2)); int totalDays = day; // Start with the current day's value // Adjust for leap year if date is after February if(month > 2 && isLeapYear(year)) { totalDays++; } // Sum the days of previous months for(int i = 0; i < month - 1; i++) { totalDays += daysInEachMonth[i]; } return totalDays; }};