πŸ“ Problem Details

πŸ” Problem Understanding

  1. Subsequences:

    • a subsequence of a string is a sequence derived by deleting some or no characters of the string without changing the order of the remaining characters
    • e.g. s = abd, the subsequences include a b c ab ac bc abc
  2. Task:

    • you are given string text and 2 characters inside string pattern (lets call them x and y)
    • the goal is the maximize the number of xy subsequences (where x comes before y in the string) by inserting one additional character (x or y) into the string
  3. Rules:

    • you can only insert one character at a time: either x or y
    • the insertion can be done at any position in the string (even at the beginning or end )
  4. Objective:

    • determine the maximum number of xy subsequences you can obtain after the insertion

πŸ’­What Were My Initial Thoughts?


πŸ€”What Did I Struggle With?

question was hard to understand 

πŸ’‘ Explanation of Solution

- **Track Existing Subsequence Counts**:
    - Use `cnt1` to count occurrences of `pattern[0]` as we iterate through the string.
    - Use `cnt2` to count occurrences of `pattern[1]`.

- **Update Subsequence Count**:    
    - If the current character is `pattern[0]`, increment `cnt1`.
    - If the current character is `pattern[1]`, it forms subsequences with all previous `pattern[0]` characters, so increment `cnt2` and add `cnt1` to the result.

- **Consider Adding a New Character**:    
    - If you add `pattern[0]`, place it at the beginning. This forms additional subsequences with every `pattern[1]`, so add `cnt2` to the result.
    - If you add `pattern[1]`, place it at the end. This forms additional subsequences with every `pattern[0]`, so add `cnt1` to the result.

- **Output the Maximum**:
    - Return the maximum of the existing subsequences and the two cases of adding a character.

βŒ› Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity: O(n)

Space Complexity: O(1)

πŸ’» Implementation of Solution

class Solution {
    long long maximumSubsequenceCount(string text, string pattern) {
        long long count1 = 0;
        long long count2 = 0;
        long long result = 0;
        // calculate the current number of pattern subsequences
        for(char c : text) {
            if(c == pattern[1]) {
                // Each `pattern[1]` pairs with all previous `pattern[0]`
                result += count1;
            if(c == pattern[0]) {
        // consider adding one character
        long long addPattern0 = result + count2; // add pattern[0] at the start
        long long addPattern1 = result + count1; // add pattern[1] at the end
        return max({result, addPattern0, addPattern1});