📝 Problem Details

💭What Were My Initial Thoughts?

- we need a way or recording what types of bills are collected as we sell
- a fixed size vector to record the frequency of bill types (5,10,20)

🤔What Did I Struggle With?


💡 Explanation of Solution

for each bill / sales:
- if the bill is a 5, increment the first element in the array and continue as no change is required
- if the bill is a 10, check if there are any 5s available, if not return false
- if the bill is a 20, check if there is a 10 and 5, then check if there are 3 5s, if neither return false

⌛ Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1) since our frequency vector is fixed in size (3)

💻 Implementation of Solution

class Solution {
    bool lemonadeChange(vector<int>& bills) {
        vector<int> change(3, 0); // change[0] = count of 5s, change[1] = count of 10s, change[2] = count of 20s
        for (int bill : bills) {
            if (bill == 5) {
                change[0]++; // Increment count of 5s
            } else if (bill == 10) {
                if (change[0] > 0) {
                    change[0]--; // Use one 5 to give change
                    change[1]++; // Increment count of 10s
                } else {
                    return false; // Not enough change
            } else if (bill == 20) {
                // First try to give change using one 10 and one 5
                if (change[1] > 0 && change[0] > 0) {
                // Otherwise, try to give change using three 5s
                else if (change[0] >= 3) {
                    change[0] -= 3;
                } else {
                    return false; // Not enough change
        return true; // Successfully gave change for all customers