📝 Problem Details

💭What Were My Initial Thoughts?

- create a copy of p that is sorted for comparison
- sliding window of size p
- iterate through s, assign the values of our substring inside the window
	- sort that string
	- check if it is equal to p sorted
	- if it is, push the inde for the left pointer of the window into the vector

🤔What Did I Struggle With?

- this works but is quite inefficient
	- O((n-k) * k log k) space complexity

Inefficient Solution

💡 Explanation of Solution

1. frequency arrays
	- pFreq to keep track of character frequencies in p
	- windowFreq to keep track of the character frequencies in our current window

2. sliding window 
	- add the character at the right index to windowFreq
	- if the window size exceeds p.size() remove the character at the left index from windowFreq and increment left

3. comparison
	- if windowFreq equals pFreq, it means the current window is an anagram of p

⌛ Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity is O(n)
Space Complexity is O(n)
	- frequency arrays fixed size of 26
	- results vector with a worst case size of N
	- therefore dominant factor for space if O(n)

💻 Implementation of Solution

class Solution {
    vector<int> findAnagrams(string s, string p) {
        vector<int> result;
        if (p.size() > s.size()) return result;
        // Frequency arrays for `p` and the current window in `s`
        vector<int> pFreq(26, 0), windowFreq(26, 0);
        // Fill the frequency array for `p`
        for (char c : p) {
            pFreq[c - 'a']++;
        // Sliding window on `s`
        int left = 0, right = 0;
        while (right < s.size()) {
            // Add the current character to the window
            windowFreq[s[right] - 'a']++;
            // If the window size exceeds `p.size()`, remove the leftmost character
            if (right - left + 1 > p.size()) {
                windowFreq[s[left] - 'a']--;
            // Compare frequency arrays
            if (windowFreq == pFreq) {
            // Move the right pointer
        return result;

💻Inefficient Implementation of Solution

class Solution {
    vector<int> findAnagrams(string s, string p) {
        vector<int> result;
        // Sort the pattern string to compare
        string copyP = p;
        sort(copyP.begin(), copyP.end());
        // Define the sliding window bounds
        int left = 0;
        int right = p.size() - 1;
        // Iterate over the string `s` with a fixed window size
        while (right < s.size()) {
            // Extract the substring for the current window
            string subStrWindow = s.substr(left, p.size());
            // Sort the substring window
            sort(subStrWindow.begin(), subStrWindow.end());
            // Compare sorted substring with the sorted pattern
            if (subStrWindow == copyP) {
            // Move the sliding window
        return result;