π Problem Details
- Title:
51. N-Queens
- Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/n-queens/
- Difficulty: Hard
- Tags/Categories: Backtracking
queens on ann x n
chessboard such that no two queens attack each other input integern
, return all distinct solutions to the n-queen puzzle a board is represented as a single-dimensionvector<string>
, where a single string represents one row of the boardQ
indicate the placement of a queen and empty space respectively
πWhat Were My Initial Thoughts?
- important rules and observations to clarify / identify
- queens can attack anything to the left,right,up,down or diagonal of them
- given n queens, and an n*n board, that would mean that there would have to be exactly 1 queen placement per row of the board
- "all-possible" indicates an enumeration backtracking problem
- choices:
- for each column in a given row, choose to either place a queen or leave it empty
- the constraint could be whether the queen is attackable from that position by another queen
π€What Did I Struggle With?
how to track constraints (whether a queen placement is in danger of being attacked) without re-scanning the board each time
π‘ Explanation of Solution
- create nxn board (initialized with dots ".")
- use sets to track conflicts
- cols: columns where queens are placed
- mainDiags: `row - col` tracks left diagonals
- antiDiags: `row + col` tracks right diagonals
- start DFS (row = 0)
- for each column, check if placing a queen is valid
- if valid, place the queen and mark its column and diagonals
- recurse to the next row
- backtrack by removing the queen and unmarking the column/diagonals
β Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: O(N!) for DFS recursion
O(1) for checking validity of queen-placement per recursive call
Space Complexity: O(N)
**N-Queens is still an enumeration problem,** but with **a permutation-like constraint** that makes its complexity factorial instead of exponential.
π» Implementation of Solution
class Solution {
vector<vector<string>> solveNQueens(int n) {
vector<string> board(n, string(n, '.'));
vector<vector<string>> result;
unordered_set<int> cols;
unordered_set<int> mainDiags;
unordered_set<int> antiDiags;
dfs(n, 0, board, result, cols, mainDiags, antiDiags);
return result;
void dfs(int n, int row,
vector<string>& board,
vector<vector<string>>& result,
unordered_set<int>& cols,
unordered_set<int>& mainDiags,
unordered_set<int>& antiDiags) {
// Base case: A valid board configuration is found
if (row == n) {
// Explore column positions for this row
for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
// Check if this column or diagonals are occupied
if (cols.count(col) || mainDiags.count(row - col) || antiDiags.count(row + col)) {
continue; // Skip invalid placements
// Place the queen
board[row][col] = 'Q';
mainDiags.insert(row - col);
antiDiags.insert(row + col);
// Recurse to the next row
dfs(n, row + 1, board, result, cols, mainDiags, antiDiags);
// Backtrack (undo placement)
board[row][col] = '.';
mainDiags.erase(row - col);
antiDiags.erase(row + col);