- a naive solution would be to insert each element from the list into a vector or a stack (doesnt really matter what data structure)
- iterate through the datastructue in an order that would construct the list in the reverse order
- return the new list
- there is definetly a better way of solving this without the need for additional auxillary space
- we can use a two pointers approach
π€What Did I Struggle With?
π‘ Explanation of Solution
- manage two pointers as we iterate through the list
- prev (init to null)
- curr : the current element in the list
- tempNext: a temporary store of the next element from curr before we break the link between the two nodes
β Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: O(n)
- we are iterating over n nodes in the list
Space Complexity: O(1)
- constatnt since there is no additional use of space in this problem